21 February 2025

Partners & Donors

Dalam berbagai kegiatannya, tidak jarang EnReach bekerjasama dengan lembaga lain. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa institusi yang pernah bekerja dengan EnReach, baik sebagai donatur maupun sebagai partner kerja.

0046 Energy and Environment Partnership with IndonesiaDeskripsi: Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) with Indonesia adalah sebuah program kerjasama pengembangan energi bersih dan penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca yang dibentuk oleh Kementerian ESDM RI dan Kementerian Luar Negeri Finlandia.
Website: www.eepindonesia.org
0047 Castlerock ConsultingDeskripsi: Castlerock Consulting provides advisory services to government, state-owned & private enterprises, and commercial & development financial institutions in the fields of energy, infrastructure and information technology (IT). Our work spans formulation of high-level policy and strategy to preparation of and implementation support for capital projects in these fields. We have offices in Jakarta and Singapore, and have served clients throughout Asia.
Website: www.castlerockasia.com
0048 University of Applied Sciences AMberg-Weide, Germany
Deskripsi: Amberg-Weiden University of Applied Sciences offers a broad portfolio of different programmes, focussing on up-to-date technical and economical developments.
0049 VTT Technical Research Centre of FinlandDeskripsi: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a globally networked multitechnological applied research organization. VTT provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. We enhance our customers’ competitiveness, thereby creating prerequisites for society’s sustainable development, employment, and wellbeing.
Website: http://www.vtt.fi/?lang=en
0050 New Ventures Indonesia
Deskripsi: New Ventures Indonesia (NVI) is a program of the World Resource Institute, an independent think-tank based in Washington, DC. NVI promotes sustainable growth in emerging markets by supporting and accelerating the transfer of capital to businesses that deliver social and environmental benefits at the base of the economic pyramid. In Indonesia, New Ventures is managed and implemented by The Apex Consulting Group
Website: http://new-ventures.or.id/
0051 Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi RiauDeskripsi: 

Website: disbun.riau.go.id

0052 Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) Energi Kementerian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Republik Indonesia


Website: http://www.ebtke.esdm.go.id/
0060 Dinas Pendapatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Provinsi Riau


0061 Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Project Development Programme in Indonesia (PDP-Indonesia)
Deskripsi: The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Society for International Cooperation) or GIZ is an international enterprise owned by the German Federal Government, operating in many fields across more than 130 countries. It primarily works with states, state agencies, and the private sector. Its headquarters are located in Bonn and Eschborn, Germany. Website: http://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/352.html
PT. PLN (Persero) Wilayah Riau dan Kepulauan RiauDeskripsi: State-owned utility company, Riau and Riau Islands Provinces Region.

Website: www.pln.co.id/riau/